Colorado Open Records Request (CORA)

In responding to a request for the district's public records, the district may charge a fee for staff time spent in excess of one hour for the following: researching and retrieving the requested records; conducting searches for requested records; reviewing records to determine whether they are responsive to the request; and identifying and separating those records that are not public and/or are privileged or confidential. Such fee shall be determined by the Board and published in Board policies, which may be increased from time to time as permitted by applicable state law. The district may also charge other reasonable fees in responding to a request for the district's public records, in accordance with the accompanying regulation. (Per Policy KDB) If a public record is stored in a digital format, whether searchable, sortable, or neither, Summit School District will provide that record in the format in which it is stored and in a reasonably accessible form which does not alter the content of the information. Summit School District may modify the format of digital records if: Providing the records in their current format would violate copyright, the terms of a licensing agreement, or would result in the release of a third-party’s proprietary information; or Using the current format, it is not technologically or practically feasible to remove information that is allowed or required to withhold. The District will make every effort to respond within three working days as required by section 24‐72‐203(3)(b), C.R.S. Please submit any records request to Thank you.