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Health Wellness and Crisis Services

Mental Health & Wellness Guide

Navigating Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruption, stress and uncertainty, which can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. Mental, Physical and Behavioral Wellness is critical in supporting the whole child. SSD is committed to supporting the mental, social-emotional & behavioral health of staff and scholars. Below you will find tips to navigate mental health for you and your family members during this time.

Check In

Are you checking in with your child and yourself about mental health?

  • Talk with your child/children one-on-one

  • Listen without judgment and ask questions

  • Use some of the resources provided here to start the conversation

Self Care Tips

Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your loved ones. See these reminders to support mental health:

  • Prioritize mental health (and health in general). 

  • Be flexible when challenges arise. 

  • Keep scheduling family time and rituals. 

  • Avoid comparisons. 

  • Model healthy coping (and reaching out for help).  

Know the Signs

If there is concern that a child may be experiencing a mental health problem, it is important for adults to seek help from a mental health professional. Not all children and teens respond to stress in the same way, and consider consulting a professional if a child: (from MHA National)

  • Feels very sad, hopeless or irritable

  • Feels overly anxious or worried

  • Is scared and fearful; has frequent nightmares

  • Is excessively angry

  • Uses alcohol or drugs

  • Avoids people; wants to be alone all of the time

  • Hears voices or sees things that aren’t there

  • Can’t concentrate, sit still, or focus attention

  • Needs to wash, clean things, or perform certain rituals many times a day

  • Talks about suicide or death

  • Hurts other people or animals; or damages property

  • Has major changes in eating or sleeping habits

  • Loses interest in friends or things usually enjoyed

  • Falls behind in school or earns lower grade 

Next Steps

We encourage you to reach out for more support from school-based mental health professionals or community mental health organizations. To get connected to a therapist or inquire about scholarship support, email

Please see below more information on Next Steps.