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Round 2 of the application for the 2024-2025 school year is now open from June 1, 2024 -August 1, 2024

  • NOTE: Your child must be 3 or 4 years old by October 1, 2023 in order to apply for preschool.
  • We do not enroll children who are kindergarten age in our preschool program.
  • Completing the application does NOT guarantee enrollment in the SSD Preschool Program.
  • Incomplete applications will NOT be considered for a preschool spot. Please see the link below for a list of required documents.
  • Returners do not need to complete an application. They will be notified this summer to update information. Please notify your current preschool teacher if you would like to change your enrollment status or current school.
  • You do not need to apply in the second round if you were waitlisted in the first round. Your application will be a part of the second round.
  • Second Round selections will be notified vis e-mail August 1st. 
The application pre-registration must be completed first: 

Pre-registration link

Once you complete the form in the link above you will receive a link to the complete application. 
kids with silly masks in front of read sign
students standing in front of SCE 2022 sign
preschool students at a sensory station
preschool students at a sensory station
preschool student in front of magnet block station
preschoolers standing with a ski patroler
preschool students walking across a bridge on a hiking trail

Supporting All Children

We are an integrated preschool program and are dedicated to meeting the needs of all children.  We understand that all children benefit from the opportunity to interact with similar age peers and to learn about their world in a high quality inclusive early learning environment.

About the SSD Preschool Program


Tuition Assistance

We don't want the cost of preschool to deter families from enrolling!

Families who qualify for and are offered a slot in our preschool program, may receive tuition assistance to cover some, or even all, of their child's preschool tuition costs.  

To help simplify the process, families are able to see if they qualify for one or more of these programs directly through the online School District Preschool Application, no need to submit separate applications for these programs.

Our Preschool Program partners with:

Pay Preschool Tuition (September- May)

* Payments can be made at:

my school bucks

* Click Invoices to see your Account Overview & click payment options to select 1 of the 3 options below:

  • Pay Remaining Amount (balance of the entire year through May)
  • Pay Next Amount Due (monthly tuition due)
  • Pay Other Amount* Add your selected option to the Cart

* Checks can be dropped off at your schools front office or mailed to Summit School district C/O  Preschool  POB 7, Frisco, CO 80443

* Bills are mailed out monthly starting in August for September Tuition.


Preschool Contacts:

Early Childhood Coordinator:
Kristin Sposato
970-368-1022 (office)
970-333-4058 (cell)
Child Find Coordinator:
April Andrescavage