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Safety & Security

The key to keeping our schools safe is communication, and it is important during all stages of an emergency, especially before an emergency occurs. It is important that students who see or hear about something that concerns them at school, outside of school, or online report their concern to a trusted adult.

If you have any questions about our school safety plans, please feel free to contact the Summit School District Safety & Security department at 970-368-1013.

Community Partners

Gun Safety at Home


Individuals who commit a school shooting are most likely to obtain a weapon by theft from a family member, indicating a need for more secure firearm storage practices. 

In an open-source database study, 80% of individuals who carried out a K-12 mass shooting stole the firearm used in the shooting from a family member.

In contrast, those who committed mass shootings outside of schools often purchased guns lawfully (77%). K-12 mass shootings were more likely to involve the use of a semi-automatic assault weapon than mass shootings in other settings, but handguns were still the most common weapon used in K-12 mass shootings.


Parent & Family Engagement

Colorado Department of Education Parent Resources

    • Looking for a school or school district? Looking for achievement results or homework help? The resources listed here are selected to assist parents and students in their school-related needs.

  • State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE)

    • SACPIE was established in 2009. The Colorado General Assembly found that it was in the best interests of the state to create a state advisory council for parent involvement in education that will review best practices and recommend to policy makers and educators strategies to increase parent involvement in public education, thereby helping improve the quality of public education and raise the level of students' academic achievement throughout the state. (C.R.S. § 22-7-301(2) 2012)

  • National Standards for Family-School Partnerships

More Information at the Colorado School Safety Resource Center


Identifying Concerning behavior



Safe2Tell is a Colorado statewide anonymous reporting call system to report any threatening behavior that endangers you, your friends, your family, your school or your community.


Drills and Exercises


Lockdown Drills:

All Summit School District schools conduct two lockdown drills twice a year, one at the beginning of the year and one in the middle of the year. These drills take place during school hours with staff and students. Local law enforcement agencies are present for all lockdown drills and assist with the drill.  

Requirements for Fire Drills:

  • The first Fire Drill of the school year must be conducted within the first ten (10) school days of the year
  • Schools must conduct at least one physical evacuation drill each month.
  • Fire Drills shall be conducted at unexpected times and under varying conditions each month and shall include all occupants (IFC section 405) (i.e. during different class periods, during lunch, or between class periods).
  • Where a school has a Fire Alarm system, Fire Drills shall be initiated using the Fire Alarm system
  • All-Hazard Drills such as Lock-Down, Lock-Out, Tornado, HAZMAT, or Other Drills shall not replace the required monthly Fire Evacuation
  • False alarms of the fire alarm system may not be substituted for a required evacuation drill.


Inclement Winter Weather Preparedness

Raptor Visitor Management

Internet safety